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Certification: The Stats That Matter

You remove the stabilisers from a child’s bike when they are both confident and competent. They will inevitably make mistakes, but we feel they are ready to make those mistakes, and they won’t be major ones. In my opinion, we don’t do this enough in the sales organisation.

Certifying people is a powerful way of both building their confidence while giving them the skills before we ask them to do it in the real world. Passing the certification also adds some healthy pressure and gives the participant a real sense of achievement.

Think about how a child feels when they first ride a bike without stabilisers. It’s a mix of exhilaration and newfound confidence. Certification does the same for our team members. It builds their confidence because they know they’ve met a certain standard. They become competent because they’ve gone through a structured learning process. Studies show that certified employees are 90% more productive and have a higher job satisfaction rate compared to their non-certified peers. This combination of confidence and competence is essential for them to perform effectively in their roles.

Passing a certification process introduces healthy pressure. It’s not just about learning; it’s about performing under conditions that mimic real-world scenarios. This pressure is constructive, pushing participants to apply their knowledge and skills effectively. The result? A real sense of achievement. According to research by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence, 87% of certified professionals feel more respected in their roles, and 76% reported higher job satisfaction. This sense of accomplishment is a strong motivator, driving them to continuously improve and excel.

To truly harness the power of certification, we need to focus on key areas that impact our sales organisation the most:

Selling New Products Before Launch

Before a new product hits the market, certifying the sales team ensures they are fully prepared. They understand the product inside out and are equipped to handle customer queries and objections effectively. This preparation is crucial. A study by the Sales Management Association found that companies with formal certification programs for new product training saw a 20% increase in sales compared to those without.

Passing Onboarding

New hires should be certified through a comprehensive onboarding program. This ensures they grasp the company’s values, products, and sales techniques thoroughly before engaging with clients. Onboarding certification can reduce the time to productivity by 50%, according to a study by the Aberdeen Group.

Managers’ Coaching Abilities

Certifying managers in coaching ensures they are competent in guiding their teams. Effective coaching can significantly impact a team’s performance. Research shows that teams with certified managers perform 25% better and have 15% higher engagement rates. Certification ensures managers have the necessary skills to lead and develop their teams effectively.

Internal Promotions

Certification programs for internal promotions ensure that employees moving into new roles are ready for the responsibilities they will undertake. This preparation helps maintain high performance and smooth transitions within the organisation. According to a report by the Human Resources Professionals Association, certified professionals promoted internally are 40% more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover and maintaining continuity.

Buyer Personas

Many businesses miss a critical opportunity: deeply understanding their target personas. This involves more than just knowing job titles and roles; it requires comprehending the daily tasks, priorities, challenges, and the essential contributions these personas make to their organizations.

Ensuring sellers are well-versed in this knowledge is not only important but essential. It should be a continually refined area of expertise. Too often, this is addressed with superficial, outdated marketing materials, which are inadequate.

Implementing a robust certification program in your organisation can significantly enhance learning and performance. It ensures individuals are confident and competent before facing real-world scenarios, much like a child ready to ride without stabilisers. By certifying in critical areas such as new product sales, onboarding, managerial coaching, and internal promotions, organisations can build a skilled and confident workforce ready to excel. Certification not only maximises learning but also boosts productivity, job satisfaction, and employee retention, making it an invaluable strategy for any forward-thinking sales organisation.

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