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Are Results More Important Than Behaviours?

When managing a team, or even when you’re part of one, it’s essential to understand that not all contributions are created equal. Evaluating team members isn’t just about the results they deliver but also about the behaviours they exhibit in the process. When we talk about behaviours, we’re really referring to 1. Skills and quality of input. 2. The attitude and mindset brought to the table and 3. The embodiment of company values. So in the examples below when we refer to ‘behaviours’ it could be that one or several of these aren’t in place. Let’s delve into the four key quadrants that can help you assess and develop your team effectively.

Take a look at this matrix below. This perfectly articulates the interplay between results and behaviours

1. Wrong Results, Wrong Behaviour: A Double Whammy

This is the quadrant nobody wants to be in. Team members who fall into this category are not only failing to deliver the desired results, but they’re also displaying behaviours that are counterproductive or even disruptive. It’s at this point that we must seriously question their viability in their current role. Are they in the wrong position? Do they lack the necessary skills? Or is it a case of misalignment with the team’s goals? Addressing these issues promptly is crucial, as unchecked, these individuals can negatively impact team morale and overall performance. It might sound harsh, but sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good of the team.

2. Wrong Behaviours, Right Results: The Rogue Element

Ah, the rogues. Every team has—or at least has had—one. These are the individuals who manage to hit their targets but do so by disregarding team norms, processes, or even ethics. On the surface, it might seem like a win, but dig a little deeper, and you’ll find a brewing storm of resentment among their peers. The success these individuals achieve is often short-lived, as their approach can lead to a toxic work environment. According to some studies on organisational behaviour, such individuals can diminish overall team cohesion and lead to higher turnover rates (Smith, 2019). Therefore, it’s essential to address these rogue behaviours early on and bring them back in line with the team’s values.

3. Right Behaviours, Wrong Results: The Slow Burners

This quadrant deserves your attention and patience. Individuals here are doing all the right things, ticking all the boxes in terms of behaviour, but the results just aren’t materialising yet. These are your slow burners, and they’re worth investing in. Spend time coaching them, identifying any external factors that might be hindering their performance, and helping them tweak their approach. Academic research suggests that with the right support, these individuals often turn out to be the most valuable team members in the long run, as their solid behavioural foundation eventually leads to consistent, sustainable results (Jones & Brown, 2020).

4. Right Behaviours, Right Results: The Stars

And then we have the stars—those team members who are not only hitting their targets but doing so with all the right behaviours. These individuals are the role models of your team, and it’s your job to ensure they continue to grow. Nurture them, provide them with challenges, and prepare them for their next role. These are your future leaders, and ignoring their development could mean losing them to other opportunities. According to leadership theories, recognising and stretching your top performers is key to keeping them engaged and motivated (Hughes, 2018).

The Crux: Defining and Communicating “Right”

The effectiveness of this entire approach hinges on one critical factor: the clear and unambiguous definition of what “right” looks like in terms of both behaviours and results. Without this clarity, you’re setting your team up for confusion and inconsistency. It’s not just about setting expectations but also about communicating them with laser precision. Ensure that every team member understands what’s expected of them, both in terms of outcomes and the way they go about achieving them. This clarity is the cornerstone of a high-performing team.

In conclusion, managing a team effectively requires a nuanced approach. By categorising your team members based on both their results and their behaviours, you can tailor your management style to fit their needs, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and productive team. Remember, it’s not just about what’s being done but how it’s being done that makes all the difference.

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