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The History of Sales – Todd Caponi Interview

Todd Caponi is widely recognised as the foremost expert in the history of sales. He has a deep and encyclopaedic knowledge dating back as early as the 1870’s

To add to this Todd is a two time author of the brilliant books The Transparency Sale and The Sales Transparent Leader

You can listen to our in-depth and interersting conversation around the history of sales below


The History of MEDDIC – Interview With Dick Dunkel

Few methodologies have had as significant an impact as MEDDIC. Created by sales expert Dick Dunkel, MEDDIC has transformed how sales professionals approach qualification and deal closure, setting a new standard for success. This article delves into the history of MEDDIC, featuring insights from its inventor and exploring how this powerful framework continues to shape...

The Challenger Sale Interview – Matt Dixon

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Neil Rackham SPIN Selling Interview

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