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What’s the Difference Between MEDDIC and MEDDPICC in Sales?

When it comes to modern B2B selling, having a robust qualification framework can be the difference between closing deals and chasing leads. One methodology that has gained significant traction is MEDDIC, and its expanded version, MEDDPICC. But what do these terms stand for? And what’s the difference between MEDDIC and MEDDPICC? This article delves into these powerful sales frameworks, exploring their components, applications, and helping you decide which one suits your team best.

Why Embrace a Qualification Framework?

The task of sifting through countless opportunities to identify the most promising prospects can feel like navigating a labyrinth. This is where a qualification framework becomes your indispensable guide. By offering a structured approach to evaluating potential deals, sales teams can allocate their time and resources with precision, honing in on opportunities with the highest conversion potential. A well-crafted qualification framework helps sales professionals pinpoint key decision-makers, grasp the buyer’s needs, and tailor their strategies to address specific pain points. In essence, a robust framework not only streamlines the sales process but also amplifies the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the sales team.

What is MEDDIC Sales Methodology?

The power of MEDDIC

Enter MEDDIC: Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion. This powerful sales qualification framework ensures that no stone is left unturned in the quest to vet potential opportunities. Each component of MEDDIC plays a pivotal role:

1. Metrics: Understand the quantifiable benefits your solution offers. These might include increased revenue, cost savings, or enhanced efficiency. Early identification of these metrics allows sales teams to build a compelling case for investment.

2. Economic Buyer: Identify the individual with the authority to make purchasing decisions. Engaging with this key person ensures you are communicating with someone who can approve the budget and finalise the deal.

3. Decision Criteria: Uncover the criteria the prospect uses to evaluate potential solutions. Knowing the key features, benefits, and outcomes they seek ensures your solution aligns perfectly.

4. Decision Process: Gain insights into the prospect’s decision-making steps. This includes understanding the timeline, stakeholders involved, and approval processes.

5. Identify Pain: Pinpoint the specific challenges or pain points the prospect faces. Tailoring your approach to address these issues demonstrates the value of your solution.

6. Champion: Find an internal advocate within the prospect’s organisation. A strong champion can be instrumental in overcoming internal objections and securing buy-in from other stakeholders.

MEDDIC provides a comprehensive framework, ensuring that every critical aspect of the qualification process is covered. By thoroughly vetting each opportunity, sales teams can focus on high-probability deals, leading to higher conversion rates and more efficient resource use.

What is MEDDPICC Sales Methodology?

Expanding with MEDDPICC

Building on the foundation of MEDDIC, MEDDPICC introduces two additional elements: Paper Process and Competition, addressing vital aspects of the sales process that can significantly influence outcomes.

1. Paper Process: Understand the administrative and contractual steps needed to finalise the deal. Identify necessary documentation, approval processes, and potential bottlenecks to ensure a smooth path to closing.

2. Competition: Assess the competitive landscape. Understand who your competitors are, what solutions they offer, and how your solution compares. Awareness of the competition allows you to position your offering effectively, highlight unique value propositions, and address potential objections.

By incorporating these additional elements, MEDDPICC offers a more holistic approach to sales qualification. It ensures that sales teams not only understand the internal dynamics of the prospect’s organisation but also have a clear view of external factors that could impact the deal. This comprehensive perspective enables sales professionals to craft more effective strategies, anticipate challenges, and navigate the sales process with greater confidence.


Choosing between MEDDPICC and MEDDIC is like choosing between a gourmet chef’s knife and a reliable Swiss Army knife. Both get the job done, but one might be overkill for slicing bread. Your choice depends on the specific scenarios and complexities of your sales environment. Each framework has its own unique strengths and is better suited to different circumstances. Let’s dive into when you might need the full kitchen arsenal or just a handy multi-tool:

Scenarios for Using MEDDPICC

1. Highly Competitive Markets: In industries crowded with competitors, MEDDPICC’s “Competition” component helps you stay ahead by understanding the competitive landscape.

2. Complex Sales Cycles: When the sales process involves intricate approval mechanisms, numerous stakeholders, and detailed documentation, MEDDPICC’s “Paper Process” component helps navigate these complexities.

3. Enterprise-Level Sales: For large enterprises with multiple decision-makers and significant bureaucratic hurdles, MEDDPICC’s comprehensive approach is essential.

4. High-Value Deals: In high-stakes deals, MEDDPICC’s additional rigor ensures every detail is covered, reducing the risk of overlooked critical aspects.

5. Evolving or Regulated Industries: In industries with changing regulations or major compliance requirements, MEDDPICC helps address all necessary legal and compliance standards.

Scenarios for Using MEDDIC

1. Straightforward Sales Processes: In markets with simple sales cycles, MEDDIC offers a robust yet streamlined approach without unnecessary complexity.

2. SME Sales: For small and medium enterprises with simpler decision-making processes, MEDDIC’s key qualification criteria are often sufficient.

3. Niche Markets: In specialised markets with fewer competitors, MEDDIC’s focus on metrics and pain points ensures effective communication of your solution’s benefits.

4. Time-Sensitive Deals: For quick closures, MEDDIC’s streamlined nature helps focus on critical aspects without being bogged down by additional details.

5. Early-Stage Startups: Startups benefit from MEDDIC’s straightforward approach, enabling quick opportunity qualification and relationship building with key stakeholders.

Which Framework Should You Choose?

Deciding between MEDDIC and MEDDPICC hinges on the complexity of your sales process and market nature. If you operate in a highly competitive market where understanding the competition is crucial, MEDDPICC is the better choice. Its focus on the paper process is beneficial for complex contractual steps. Conversely, if your sales process is straightforward and competition isn’t a major factor, MEDDIC may suffice, providing a solid foundation for opportunity qualification.

Ultimately, both frameworks enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales process. By carefully considering your sales team’s needs and market characteristics, you can select the framework that best aligns with your objectives and maximises your success. Ready to transform your sales process? Take the next step by evaluating your current sales methodology and considering how MEDDIC or MEDDPICC could elevate your team’s performance. Take a look at our Expert’s Guide to the MEDDIC Sales Process or book onto our MEDDIC sales training course and deal coaching today and discover which framework aligns best with your business goals.

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