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The Flow State Way

The Flow State Way

We understand that every sales organisation faces a unique set of challenges.

We understand that every sales organisation faces a unique set of challenges – ranging from external factors such as ever-changing trading conditions and buyer behaviours through to internal factors such as inconsistent execution of skills, strategies and practices

Rather than using an ‘off-the-shelf’ approach, our programmes are tailored to your team’s most pressing needs to deliver both short-term impact and long-term scalability


B2B buyer behaviours are constantly evolving, but most organisations still use outdated sales methods which no longer deliver results.

We combine timeless consultative selling principles with cutting-edge techniques. Our sessions are renowned for being thought-provoking, energetic and highly-actionable – allowing you to see measurable pipeline impact and drive long-lasting, behavioural change.


Over 80% of training initiatives fail because there is no ongoing coaching in place to make desired behaviours stick.

We know first-hand the power that coaching has on people, pipelines and business performance. All of our programs have a strong coaching emphasis to improve your team’s “in-the-moment” skills, confidence and long-term adoption. By taking managers on the journey we ensure the magic of coaching continues long after we’ve gone.


Great enablement should make the lives of salespeople quicker, easier, more successful.

However far too many businesses either don’t have sufficient enablement or it’s far too complex and unfocused.To underpin adoption of the training and coaching every Flow State program comes with all manner of usable sales assets, cheatsheets, scorecards, playbooks and bitesize videos. You’ll have all the foundations in place to scale excellence across the organisation and make long-lasting, impactful change.

Achieving a state of Flow

Our Principles

We immerse ourselves in your world

Our programs are highly personalised to your industry, persona and business to make sure we speak the language of your organisation and your customers. This means we co-design key modules and exercises with you to drive real outcomes.

Expertise + Energy = Excellence

We are driven by developing people into the very best performers in their field. We set a high bar of excellence and hold teams accountable to these standards – everything we do is about getting 1% better every day.

We are obsessed with Speed to Value

We know that high-quality inputs drive exceptional outcomes. For this reason we evidence how each of your teams are demonstrating their learnings and skill development. We get super-close to live deals and pipeline which means we can demonstrate tangible results within weeks.

We build foundations that last

We have a simple rule. We leave businesses in a better shape than when we came in. Alongside a more skilled, prepared and confident team – this rule extends to the foundations of your enablement practices, processes and assets. We’ll give you a lasting infrastructure that scales.

“Flow is an optimal state of consciousness, a peak state where we both feel and perform at our best. We become so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter…”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

“At the in-person sessions people were high-fiving each other. After online sessions people were messaging each other saying it’s the best Zoom call they’ve had in their life.”

Sam Moody
Global Director of Sales Enablement, HiBob

“The biggest result from working with Flow State is understanding the competencies that make someone successful in our business and then seeing our management team start to deliver against that consistently.”

James Mansfield
CRO, Fastmarkets


Cross-sell revenue increase


Customer Churn proportional decrease


Forecasting accuracy increase

“They immersed themselves in our world, and within a week or two they knew more about our industry and buyer persona’s typical challenges than some people learn in years. They can apply themselves to any business.”

Christina Lewis
Sales Manager UK & Ireland, HiBob
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