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The Importance of Questions in Sales

Flow State co-founder Aaron Evans appeared on the Sales Unfiltered video series to talk about all things discovery

In this episode we speak about practical questioning techniques, focussing on the why, process and preparation, and how to get the most out of your discovery conversations

What Buyer Expect From Sellers

Buyer behaviour has significantly evolved over the past few years, often outpacing modern sales tactics. According to Gartner, an impressive 72% of buyers now prefer a ‘rep-free’ buying experience. This clearly indicates a growing demand for changes in sales approaches. So, how can we meet buyers halfway? Experts like Matt Dixon (Challenger Sale & Jolt...

The Future of Selling – Matt Dixon & Brent Adamson

What’s the next big paradigm shift in selling? How are buying behaviours evolving? What implication does that have on the way sales people need to adapt? Flow State’s very own Aaron Evans hosted a webinar with two legends of the game Brent Adamson & Matt Dixon (best-selling authors of The Challenger Sale, Challenger Customer &...

Rory Sutherland – Books that make you think differently

Rory Sutherland is a big name in the world of advertising and the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK. With over 30 years at Ogilvy, he’s famous for thinking outside the box and using behavioural economics to understand what makes people tick. Rory’s known for his lively talks, witty writing, and his book “Alchemy,” where he...
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